TOPDECK Disclaimer
Notation under the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions
The articles provided on TOPDECK are prepared by the management or writing contractors solely for the purpose of providing information to users and are not intended as a solicitation to buy, sell or otherwise trade in securities or other financial instruments.
Articles provided on TOPDECK are based on information sources that TOPDECK considers reliable, but does not guarantee completeness, accuracy or timeliness.
Views and forecasts contained in articles provided by TOPDECK are judgments at the time of publication and are subject to change without notice.
affiliate programme
TOPDECK may introduce products through an affiliate programme. An affiliate programme is an internet-based system for introducing products and services by forming business partnerships with product and service providers. Therefore, the products on TOPDECK are not sold by the management.
For products, payments, and other services, transactions will be conducted directly with the vendor linked. Therefore, for information stipulated under the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions, please verify the details on the linked vendor's site. Product prices, product details, sales tax, shipping costs, stock levels, and other details may change from time to time. The return and money-back guarantee is also guaranteed by the linked seller.
Please check not only TOPDECK but also the linked websites carefully. TOPDECK accepts no responsibility for the use of the information on this website.
Please note that TOPDECK management will not be able to answer any enquiries about the listed products.